I know I've not updated here for almost 2 months.

I'm too tired. After I started working, I rarely have time for myself, lets not talk about blogging already. Recently there're lots of unexpected things that happened. Ranging from weird people to nice people. I should actually say, outgoing people are definately more real than those who shut out from the world.

Probably you wouldn't get what I mean but well, I'm in good terms with some of my colleagues but some, I just don't really give a damn. Lets not talk about office politics because which office doesn't have politics?! News spread so quickly and within a day, everyone knows about it. Soon, it's going to be 3 months. I've survived for almost 2 months and I have 1 more month to go.

I told myself, no matter how tough it is, I have to go through these 3 months. OT almost everyday is really bad. MC at least once every month makes me feel less responsible which I dislike. It's like putting my problem onto others. Tell me what can make me stay longer?!

The outside world is much more appealing to me. I would rather face my piano everyday and get over and done with my Grade 8 practical exam.

You'll probably have to face this space, till the day I stop working, .